Work Orders Work orders contain the information on work to be carried out. This can include parts, trades, contractors and any other resources that may be required to carry out the work. A work order is a document that is used to detail the scope of work to be carried out. Information that can be added to a work order includes; Due Start/Finish dates, Priority, Status, Equipment No, Work Order No, Trades, Instructions, Tasks, Spare Parts and Consumable Costs. Further documents can be attached to the work order eg. Audit check lists. When a job is completed. Updated information of work that was “actually” carried out can be added to the work order history along with spares that where actually used. Downtime/repair time and Failure Analysis codes can be added when closing the work order. The work order history module will allow for information to be recorded and easily retrieved for analysis. Adding work orders assigned to specific assets within the business allows you to know not guess where your resources should be directed.
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